This Poet's Corner


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This Poet's Corner


The Missing Lighthouse Keeper 

Bill Whitelock idled the boat

So that we might see at low tide

The tombstones that lay just a foot below the water.
With eyes strained and necks bent like the egrets

Gracing the wetlands nearby,

We could just glean the names, dates,

And epitaphs on the eroded stones

Of a Holland Island graveyard reclaimed now

By waters of a relentless Chesapeake Bay.

We gave up on the second day.

James Somers our missing lighthouse keeper

Of Somers Cove Light was nowhere to be found.

It was fitting this ancestor was not fixed

To this lost Holland island. It was an outside chance.

James likely belonged elsewhere on one of those islands 

Out of time, Smith’s or Tangier’s.

I confess, I wonder why I care, for only a few folk

Comb and carefully record what might seem a

Strange safe guarding of lines some would wriggle out of

Like Jimmy, here reported to have been the lighthouse keeper 

For Solomon’s Cove now lost to the incessant Bay.

Perhaps I’m seeking some place in history,

Some link with those who came before.

I do not know. I only know I care, and that I feel this need

To record those who have followed on the water

And to those who will follow,

On and on, into the eye of time,

Like waves breaking and caressing the sandy shore,

Billow on billow to the sounds of an everlasting, blue bay

Whispering, “Remember me! Remember me!”

                                                         Revised 2018




Time, not measured, 

A little boy napped 

Atop pompoms of white chenille 

Ages ago on a

Hot, windy, St. Mary’s afternoon.

Spotlights of sun

On tall green grass

Whispered secrets outside windows

Propped up. 


Never again so safely slept I

In a harbor my sole kingdom

Ruled by matriarchs black and white

Moored to men 

Some tattooed- 

Others smelling sweetly of Rye

Grammy’s big bosom cuddly deep

Drowned me in a smell of Bart cloth ancestry.


From a kitchen of black and white enameled stoves

Nigger ladies chattered 

Lowly ladies with high values- 

Rock beds.

Protectors of stacks of soft shell crabs

And fried chicken secrets all their own.

Much respected

They cooked ham stuffed with kale

To bury us with.


Grammy ran a nursing home

Where war weary seamen came to rest

Well fed their names and medals known

Certain they were good for one last test-

An escape duty free

So long’s you didn’t go too far up the road


Sunken smack in middle of the yard

Sat a captain free ghost.

Pigs in sties ‘hind rough hewn slats 

From their trough splattered

Some of the chickens

Pecking here there and everywhere,

While beneath the house in all sorts and sizes 

Lived the wild cats in their world apart


That white house on cinder blocks

Once a silly one-room schoolhouse

Kept growing one closet at a time

Till rooms were stuffed with decade’s censuses-

A cozy place not up to code.

Uncle Bud flew stars and bars o’er stars and stripes

No one thought that uncivil

He being a judge and playing in the Klan.


Whole damned place a garden,

I picked her pretty flowers

Cause she said not to and expected it.

She’d long hair never shorn brushed and braided with pride

I often snitched her snapping turtles using Dick’s net

From a muddy ditch side the house-

Their soupy purpose my own.

Besides, they always made it safely back 

With no harm done.


On Sundays Billy Jim my cousin hero and I 

Dutifully dressed for church

Aunt Bettie whizzed by 

Studebakered the girls and

Honked off.

Deliberately late we walked

To the end of path

Turned left for the crick

Fished or swam butt naked

Boys worshipped outside

In the Free State sun.


No,I never napped so well

As in that kingdom long ago

Nestled close to two shores

Between too many wars

Down home in the Land of Pleasant Living


© 2005 by E.D.Ridgell

      Revised 2018



When Unto My Jesu I Come!

Like a billowing, wave unto shore,

I broke with a zeal and zest for life

As good as ‘fore or since.

My God bestowed on me thrice

What nary I deserved and more,

Feigning not to mark my sins.

I come ‘fore my Lord

Knowing I must right the score

And grateful beyond all measure.

Receive me unto Thy grace,

Your penitent petitioner

When Unto my Jesu I come!

                              E.D. Ridgell, 2018

The Prey

With wounded wing
And one too many 
Fallen feathers
Swoops down.

The eagle
From high up,
It’s eye fixed
On its prey.

The kingfisher
His peacock in tow
Rails against
Any and all who dare
Ruffle his regal feathers..

The Swallows
Flock to
Pluck out
These fisher types
With their feather mites.

There is no land
In sadder disharmony
Than this with the cadged 
Swallow wanna-be’s 
Seeking the protection of the eagle.
                                   E. D. Ridgell 2019

We’re Open!


Everyday there are over fourteen hundred deportees-

But for the grace of God.  Why?

Did we take the welcome sign down?

Surely we did not mean to, not seriously!


We are a nation of cast offs, cast aways,

Cargo holds of throwaways,

Unwanted, and fleeing refugees.

It is our pedigree. It is our heritage.


 No one driving a taxi in New York City

Knows where in the hell he's going. 

We like it that way, 

A one-way ticket to who knows where.


Send us your baggage. Bestow on us your choicest bums.

Plus begets of left o'er slaves.

We will make citizens of these. 

Throw a homo or two into the stew. You've got potpourri! 


But beware! Take care! Don't spit on the smile of our

Shoeshine boys. Don’t come railing at us

In hopes we’ll forget or falter. We won’t.

We’re open!

                                                                                   E. D. Ridgell



Humpty Dumpty


Pock marked,

Sun burnt,

With hair ablaze,


Choking on smoke

While sweating in cracks,

     The old ozone holed orb

     Orders horsemen attack!


Wimbly-wambly winds change.

Waves walk high heeled

Sending hovels into the seas

As homeless forests flies

Leave locusts starving.

Hordes horde the little left;

    “All the kings’ horses

     And all the kings’ men…”

© 2012 by E.D. Ridgell



O’er The Bow!

I can not find anything in my repertoire

To even compare you to

And I’ve a full quiver. 

I’m old and I’m irritable

And I’ve exhausted any patience left

Years ago.

I’m ripe for danger 

The worst kind of patriot 

The rusted partisan.

Make my old age!

Is the pen mightier

You fat yankee bloat?

I’ll naw and naw 

Until I hit bone

And lock your ass up!

You’re goin down 

You and you’re uptown thieves

With their Fox 45 resumes!

                                       E. D. Ridgell






In life we are in death. 

Each second of a heartbeat

Is the only promise.

Boom! The sound of every second you are alive.


There is no fixed right or wrong-

Just a consensus.

Live and let live is the only ‘fair’. In the end 

The only thing that matters is kindness.


There is a reason 

Why Palestine has four quarters

And eight gates. 

We are our brother’s keeper.


Keep your brother in your heart.

An eye for an eye is only as good as two.

“Love one another. As I have loved you,

So you must love one another.”

                                                       E. D. Ridgell 2020


Give me one word besides tired  
To tell me how you are feeling. 
What do you gain by feeling this way? 
What’s in it for you? 
Do you want to be liked always 
By everybody? 
Much luck with that. 
It's neither possible nor commendable. 
The narcissist is the hero child unleashed  
But that's not you, is it? 
You must first see yourself  
Before you can recognize another. 
Real feelings are powerful. 
They can be turned in, out, or inside out- 
Worrisome but useful. Use feelings guardedly 
Less they hurt somebody. 
The narcissist is powerless against empathy. 
It Trumps him every time. 
Learn to use real feelings 
To shield the most vulnerable in you. 

                                                         E. D. Ridgell 2020












































































Cat Nap 


In truth, 

I haven’t the luxury 

For breaking news anymore. 


Bordering the end 

I muse and remember it all- 

So vivid and clear is yesteryear. 


How did I not break 

Against the shore? 

How come I end this well? 


I treasure much 

But much treasure is buried. 

That’s the fare.  


The world is as tilted 

As ever it was, 

But I am only half here. 


It’s not a bad place to be. 

If truth be known, I treasure each day  

And nap with the cat. 




I never ever sought to be anyone

But Montjoy a messenger for my liege Francis.

Hal thought me more than worthy

Except my allegiance was to the wrong king.


I have lain here for six centuries

Dead-witness messenger

To that sorrowful day when 

The battlefield lay strewn with many a brave knight.


Pity us then our dead horse poor garnishment 

For the feast of St. Crispin’s, and poor Hal to live

But a short time hither that fate that awaits us all.

Dead at Thirty two, a sad and early end to an auspicious reign.

                                                                                 E. D. Ridgell


The Remains of A Cry  


Your death 

Saddens me 

More than you will ever know 

I can remember that summer of 76 

Touching down in Madrid 

Hot and a sunlight like no other 



You poured me into  

A matador’s size 30p 

There’s no way I was going to sit down 

We were that kind of happy born of escape 

Leaving ex-wives to bitch on the vine 


I was enamored of the stork nests on the chimneys 

The bright sun cutting crisp shadows 

You asked the man behind the desk to exchange money 

He turned as crimson as any olive colored can 

Franco-men dolled fear out even then 

Many waited for a fascist funeral 


Meandering down a street 

Suddenly a big car emerged 

From side a building  

All the pedestrian looked down in fear 

Careful not to draw the attention  

Of the big important Franco-man 


Then too, just outside the Prado 

We suddenly found ourselves  

In a kind of protest. Leaflets  

We’re thrown helter-skelter 

It was sad to see so many young people 

Struggling to such little effect 


I was shocked they spiked the tapestries  

To the walls of the Alcazar in Toledo  

Only these could support the weight 

The whole palace bespoke of that  

New World treasure of gold 

Stained with sweat and blood 


Your death  

saddens me 

More than you will ever know 

Every song is the remains of love 

Every light the remains of time  

And every sigh the remains of a cry* 

                                                 E. D. Ridgell 


*Federica Garcia Lorca 


Thunder and Lightning

The eagle flew into the millennium
As if to soar higher and higher
Not fearing the crescent moon
Let alone the swing of the bear’s paw..

The bull raged even as the winters grew tame.
The lakes bulged as the ice inched closer.
Even as the shamans warned,
Not all the eaglets heeded.

In the moonlight above the forests.
The tribes dissected golden calves.
And the gutted entrails were read.
The auguries could not agree.

The winds changed West to East
As it had been foretold
In prior decades and
The Eagles could or would not heed.

The symbol took flak 
Maneuvering as it could
Through arrow then missile
Always in thunder and lightning.
                                 E. D. Ridgell 2019

         Cold Stone


Larkin was no lollygag

Bent on filling up time,

Opinionated, self-centered

And dedicated to the hunt

Provided you didn’t catch the fox.

One thing and one thing only-

The written word

Anything his, with poetry

Leading the chase.


Thing was he bummed out

The mourners and depressed

The party goers,

All of whom read him avidly.

Too fond of booze he

Turned down a laureate, and like Verlaine,

Ceased writing poetry, altogether.

With nothing better to do,

He died of esophageal cancer.

                                                  E. D. Ridgell

          Eliza Wins The Battle of Jericho  


I suddenly realized no one was on the other side of the table needing lifting. 

Worse still no one was in the bed alongside me.  

I was alone in my grief as well as in my fears. 

People I thought to be friends had been no more than false fronts. 

My loneliness was palpable. 


The body longs for company. Even as the heart pines it seeks renewal. 

The task of reinventing oneself must be taken up wholeheartedly, 

If you mean to have a future, suicide is no possibly. 

Death leaves a void that cannot be filled. The good thing about a bottom 

Is the only was is up. Successful people don’t give up, and I mean to be successful. 

                                                                                                                    E D Ridgell 



The Robber Barons 


First, they felled the poplars, 

Then the pines, 

Stripping the hills in one generation. 


Tempered in greed, 

They pitched tracks to a tender; 

The barons of the rails;  

Robbers with “n” rights. 

They sent hired men, 

Loggers and lumberjacks, 

Hillmen, underground to 

Scout Salley’s Find 

‘neath the full-bellied Appalachians. 


In  dank passages 

Shaft-sinkers found seams;  

Black riches beyond expectations. 

With industry and speed 

The company owners,  

Reps of the barons back East, 

Soon had the seams yielding 

Loads borne out on the tracks,  

Robber baron tracks. 


Wheels  turned; whirling in all directions. 

Natives, immigrants, even the niggers 

Were in hock to the company store. 

The rich and slick had all bound 

In a kind of slavery inciting 

The wretched to temporarily shed 

Soot stained, hard hats, shiny lamps- 

Symbols of their servitude. 


Housed In makeshift tents, 

The dispossessed struck for something fair,  

Anything freer feeling. 

Strike after strike failed as they awaited  

“Big Bill” trailing his “Teddy” bear. 

Victory came with an act, 

It was hoped put an end, 

To all the injustices hither-too. 


History though too often is a mere 

Reflection of the future and 

Today, many of the great grandchildren  

Of the hillmen are again fooled and won over;  

Run-over, so to speak, by quick tricksters, 

A new breed, so alike those Robber Barons   

Who first paid to have the tracks laid 

That proved to be more a burden than a boon  

To the hill people of Appalachia. 

                                                                 E.D. Ridgell 


Seven Pence a dozen,

Pick me two

White and yellow strumpets.

Supposedly she lost her scissors 

Open in the garden 

Among the daffodils.

His was a sad reflection

On a time gone by-

Before the oven ritual.

                                   E. D. Ridgell


The Turbulent Sixties

Cisco only had three legs 
And a red bandanna.
That was one loved pooch:
Coal black and it never barked.

Cisco was fine tuned
And probably a little stoned.
I gave Janice my wide bottoms
Hoping she’d like me just a little.

I finally rented digs 
In Charles Village 
Away from Fells Point.
I didn’t want to know anyone.

Kenny came over
Looking for love 
In all the wrong places.
I was busy breaking windows.

I’d love again 
But not for awhile/
I was right all along:
Love was blow’n in the wind.
                                E D Ridgell 

Emergency Exit Only!

A long hallway with many doors,
All leading into empty rooms without windows.
The naked lights of inefficient bulbs
Hang down like yellow nooses.

That alley one moonlit night,
Searching her abandonment
Her trucker lover tucking you up
Feigning concern.

A decade later an alley in Bolton Hill,
The lit liquor store, a beacon in the night
In the company of scurrying rats-
Chivas Regal, Coke, and Camels.

Muster yourself up only to flee 
Down another, always with empty rooms
Under those shabby, yellow lights
Rooms absent a window or a way out.

Fading wallpaper, lead chipped paint,
In the flickering light-
Air heavy and hard to breath,
And always that door at the end of the hallway,

Emergency Exit Only! 

                                                        E D  Ridgell 


Paper Prayers 


Reincarnation is what happens to you 

When you’re making other plans. 

The stars said 

I’d be reborn a peacock and 

I ended up a kingfisher- 

Oh well.  


Somewhere in the bardo 

Something went askew- 

The tourists were distracting. 

Disrespectful: they 

Ignored the  

Pleading priests. 


Old ways gave way. 

The kites flew low and  

The namske’s skull went empty. 

Few of the mourners  

Survived and 

The paper prayers were wanting. 

                                      E D Ridgell 


          Distance And Death 


I only met them together once 

When they flew East to visit the daughter, 

My mom, Marmion. 

I liked her best. I remember  

She took me to see Oklahoma 

And we talked. She had a way with me 

Even though I was a child. 


Rena had been a teacher  

Which is where the name ‘Marmion’ 

Must have come to her mind 

When naming my mother. 

She was educated, 

A high bar for her childhood time. 

She must have read Scott and liked it. 


I didn’t like him on this visit 

But that was because he  

Hadn’t appreciated my drunken Dad. 

He’d been chatting to her 

And I heard so I told him to stuff it. 

O’er ten years later I met him in Frisco again. 

He was sporting a woman’s feather hat. I liked that. 


I wasn’t lucky with the grand folk  

Which partly explained  

A family tree obsession. 

I never held flesh and blood much 

Until I made my own. 

Distance and death played no small part  

And that weren’t the half of it. 

                                                      E. D. Ridgell  



Birthday Letters 

I peruse your recipe 

Your adjectives, your brazen 

Obvious inversions, the ingredients  

Of genius. 


I imagine what it must have been like 

To be had by you, to be bad with you. 

Your armpit masculinity hangs on you. 

It drips onto and into every page. 


Everybody was in awe of you. 

She adored you, died for you, 

Because of you. 

Life’s not fair but you’re the poet. 

You had all the badass varmints crow- 

Lived to write these letters. 


Your daughter is the last one standing, 

Victimized again, left wanting. 

Nick didn’t have your strength. 

The void swallowed him. 

Cancer swallowed you in the end. 

I’m spread eagled- 

Hawk Roosting on your droppings. 


To off yourself- 

It’s a waste of a way. He missed you. 

She misses you. The world misses you. 

The birthday letters. 

It’s their doing. They’re perfect.  

They are better than anything I can ever be 

Not that I could ever be so much as a  

Scrounger around your woodpile. 

                                                          E. D. Ridgell 


Crown And Post

I am heavy as a sink box decoy
I bag nothing but woe.
Each year adds to the weight
As around and around I go
Falling into the bardo.

Absent any reprieve, 
Life’s sentence.
Loosing value each ensuing year,
A shard of metal here an implant there
My costly burden.

Spent shot,
Barrel clean and hollow;
Shot wide the mark
My crooked cane
Bent to the strain.

I watch the sand run
Down and down
Each grain through
Heartbreak after heartbreak 
Waiting at my woeful wake.
                               E. D. Ridgell

Late Into The Pandemic 


O’er seventy years  

I’ve tap-danced, 

Hopscotched, pole vaulted 

O’er this ouija board, and finally 

Musing on my supposed success, 

I’m suddenly corona kindling. 

Is there no rest for their wicked? 


In my ventures I’ve learned to risk, 

And in doing so I’ve tasted life  

Above and beyond ordinary, 

And so weary as I be, presently 

I’ll roll one more time. 

Careful I’ll be, but I must cast this sink-box decoy 

O’er board, anon. 

Save lt. “I will not bend to the marriage.”* 

                                                E D Ridgell 2020 


*…A Man For All Seasons. 


                     A Pocket Full 


“You can always count on the Americans 

To do the right thing 

After they’ve tried everything else.”* 

We seem to be living up to that again. 


I trust this is because we always lead, 


We are the melting pot, 

The experimental brew. 


Far from perfect, 

We do show up. 

Perhaps this is the  

Irish in us. 


Whatever, we win- 

We win, and win, and win again. 

Is it luck? assuredly, 

It is not! 

                                   E D Ridgell 2020  

Moby Doc


So the doc 

Switched up my meds 

And I’m adrift

In dreams.


I’m too old to be

Set to sea like this-

I’ve no legs for land

Let alone sea.


What knaws at him,

The suggestion?

The patient must never 

Presume. Why?


Is not the mariner

Best judge of the sea?

There is no better experience

Than first hand.

                                   E D Ridgell


Over The Moon


It isn’t my first last straw.

I’ve drawn ‘em before.

No doubt, I’ll draw many more.

It’s been one thing after another and

I’m sick and tired.


I’m a gentle man

Living in an ungentle time,

Where morals seem wanting and

Empathy gone missing.

It is a dark and heady time.


Faith is that belief in something

Unproven and

Likely to remain that way.

It can be a blessing.

It can be a cow over the moon.


For my part

I’m a man of faith-

Faith is in the putting, mind you.

You’ve got to put your faith to work.

In helping others we rise above ourselves.

                                               E. D. Ridgell 2020



I don’t always vote. 
It needs motivating. 
No! It needs passion, 
A bit of anger. An act of treason! 
I’m no slouch in my patriotism. 
It’s as corny and as old as is my 
Aging constitution. I love my country; 
It’s mixed up mythology, it’s rebellion, it’s distrust  
Of outside intervention. I condone every 
Rationalization. I echo every war cry of 
Refutation off of it’s bloodied, canyon walls.  
For every action there is a reaction. 
The force is forever forward marching. 
The revolution burns and brands every true citizen,  
No matter his misdirections. It is about spirit.  
It is the flight and fight of the eagle, 
Each feather storm tossed from out some other nation. 
There are some votes that come from the gut of me! 
No reasoning is necessary. It is primary to my roots, 
Vomited up from the blood and guts of my forefathers. 
Don’t lecture me or mine on freedom, ancestors of  
Hershey Bar toting, well meaning, young boys  
Who dot this earth under the white crosses of a faith  
And conviction to match any you might catch out  
Of a Norman Rockwell painting.

Don’t Tread On Me

Three grandchildren mind you, three!-
And everybody wants to fuck with them.
Their world is suddenly masked 
And there are bandits everywhere.

Germs are here, there, and nowhere.
If it’s not a virus it’s a missile-
Once again there are fascists 
About the business of control.

The world is bent on war and 
This time, this time,
It will be the war to end all wars.
I thought their great grandfather won that.

There are men out there 
Who would kill just to be tsar,
Supreme Leader, or whatever
Gets them a shiny crown.

I am here to tell you
It will not do! It will not do!
If you mean to harm me or mine
I mean to kill you!
                                       E D Ridgell

Humpty Dumpty


So many guns 

And such poor aim-

All the hero’s 

Were killed in one

Of the wars.



There is a shooting,

Not even the children abide

The slaves are in rebellion

And the crops are all spoiled.


The borders aren’t holding and

The wall has been breached.

The throne goes to the highest bidder-

There’s not a penny in the coffers

To feed anyone.


The allies

Have switched sides,

Ambassadors are recalled and

There’s talk of a secret weapon but

It’s been sold.


The thousand years

Is shortchanged and

The histories closed.

All the  kings men and

All the kings horses…

                                     E. D. Ridgell 2020


Don’t Tread On Me

Three grandchildren mind you, three!-
And everybody wants to fuck with them.
Their world is suddenly masked 
And there are bandits everywhere.

Germs are here, there, and nowhere.
If it’s not a virus it’s a missile-
Once again there are fascists 
About the business of control.

The world is bent on war and 
This time, this time,
It will be the war to end all wars.
I thought their great grandfather won that.

There are men out there 
Who would kill just to be tsar,
Supreme Leader, or whatever
Gets them a shiny crown.

I am here to tell you
It will not do! It will not do!
If you mean to harm me or mine
I am here to tell you I mean to kill you!
                                                   E D Ridgell

Queer Lives Matter

“Queer Eyes for the Straight Guys”-
It’s ridiculous until it’s your son
Who’s blown the top of his head off-
Finger on the trigger of your prized rifle!

We were so sick of you-
Finally fighting back at another blue-badged raid,
Tumbling out, en masse onto Christopher Street,
To defend our stonewall retreat.

You’re so vain
You probably think this poem is about you.
It’s not. It’s about centuries of martyrs-
Ridiculed, beaten, tortured, and killed.

Look to the streets of St. Petersburg
To gaze on innocents,
On the nose bled streets of Moscow, 
Suffering again centuries old biases.

Apostles, disciples, monks and more
Carded and bequeathed their interpretations
Combed from teachings empty of any of His condemnations-
Then twisted and turned into biased codices. 

Who rests in the Tombs Of The Unknown Soldiers-
All straight guys, no gay guys, Really?
This shame does dishonor on so many
Who gave the full measure.

Worms have feasted on eyes, swollen, blackened, and blue,
Or gouged out altogether, leaving empty white skulls
The martyred, murder victims- markers to teach us the 
Manifold, multifarious workings of God. 
                                                                                         E. D. Ridgell

Sing A Song

They weigh us in shame-
Their sordid words
Sharp darts aimed at 
That worth we can muster.

History bears witness in
Writs on walls to
Their cruel dictates-
God alone judges the out of ordinary.

“Stony the road we trod
Bitter the chastening rod”.
I am over life’s hurdles
Grateful and content at the end.

“Lift every voice and sing
Till earth and heaven ring”,
Now, lay me gently down
In the soil of my ancestors.
                           E. D. Ridgell 2020

Let My Freedom Flag Fly

We were out to cop some hashish
On a farmstead up towards Frederick
Everyone was mellow each on their own trip

She stood in the back of a pickup-
Watermelon laced with LSD
Gathering others to go pick strawberries

I remember the path was often 
Muddy but I had boots
Of the best leather

It was the sixties
The plugged in dropped out generation
Idealistic and patriotic as united as we were divided

We like generations before
Were that odd breed of American
Committed to freedom above all
                                                                      E D Ridgell 2020

The POTUS With The Most-us! 


Everything about Him is warped-

More warp speed than the Enterprise!

He never wherries of his roll

To be numero-uno. 


He lives before a judge

Forever suing-

Tweetle this. Tweetle that.

I’ll be suing you. 


He is not weighed down with empathy

Only with the crown he imagines he wears.

History waits in the sidelines 

To judge him for good or bad


He’s always making news

Most of it bad.

He’s one POTUS

You can’t help but notice


It won’t be easy

But some day some way

Even He must go away.

Tomorrow is always another day!

                                         E. D. Ridgell


Lock Him Up!

Dubbed little hands,
He can Ill afford to loose
Though he can weather the litigation-
He has to win. He’s always had to win.
He can not suffer any blow to his ego.

It’s understated to say he lies but the one lie,
The cherry picked lie, was to Mueller.
A sitting can not be tried, not while in office.
A loss in this fall, a toppling would be expensive 
Eating away at his Ill gotten gains.

Behind a façade of gold plating
Lies a base metal impure.
When the false front comes down
There will be a walk down with the law
Right smack down Pennsylvania Avenue.
                                             E. D. Ridgell, 2020

A Pardon Of Sorts 
No one else could cuddle the empathy,
Key to Alan, that chap, like Crisp-
Sod-all damp cold to Merrie Olde England!

For o'er half a century, ironic,
Enigmatic, and cumbersome to explain-
An absent pardon for so long!

Finally, by Her prerogative,
Justice of sorts, far after the deed is done-
"Dip the apple in the brew, let the sleeping death seep through"!
                                                            c. E. D. Ridgell, 2014



Time, not measured, 

A little boy napped 

Atop pompoms of white chenille 

Ages ago on a

Hot, windy, St. Mary’s afternoon.

Spotlights of sun

On tall green grass

Whispered secrets outside windows

Propped up. 


Never again so safely slept I

In a harbor my sole kingdom

Ruled by matriarchs black and white

Moored to men 

Some tattooed- 

Others smelling sweetly of Rye

Grammy’s big bosom cuddly deep

Drowned me in a smell of Bart cloth ancestry.


From a kitchen of black and white enameled stoves

Nigger ladies chattered 

Lowly ladies with high values- 

Rock beds.

Protectors of stacks of soft shell crabs

And fried chicken secrets all their own.

Much respected

They cooked ham stuffed with kale

To bury us with.


Grammy ran a nursing home

Where war weary seamen came to rest

Well fed their names and medals known

Certain they were good for one last test-

An escape duty free

So long’s you didn’t go too far up the road


Sunken smack in middle of the yard

Sat a captain free ghost.

Pigs in sties ‘hind rough hewn slats 

From their trough splattered

Some of the chickens

Pecking here there and everywhere,

While beneath the house in all sorts and sizes 

Lived the wild cats in their world apart


That white house on cinder blocks

Once a silly one-room schoolhouse

Kept growing one closet at a time

Till rooms were stuffed with decade’s censuses-

A cozy place not up to code.

Uncle Bud flew stars and bars o’er stars and stripes

No one thought that uncivil

He being a judge and playing in the Klan.


Whole damned place a garden,

I picked her pretty flowers

Cause she said not to and expected it.

She’d long hair never shorn brushed and braided with pride

I often snitched her snapping turtles using Dick’s net

From a muddy ditch side the house-

Their soupy purpose my own.

Besides, they always made it safely back 

With no harm done.


On Sundays Billy Jim my cousin hero and I 

Dutifully dressed for church

Aunt Bettie whizzed by 

Studebakered the girls and

Honked off.

Deliberately late we walked

To the end of path

Turned left for the crick

Fished or swam butt naked

Boys worshipped outside

In the Free State sun.


No,I never napped so well

As in that kingdom long ago

Nestled close to two shores

Between too many wars

Down home in the Land of Pleasant Living


© 2005 by E.D.Ridgell

      Revised 2018


Go’n Home


I will be crossing o’er the water soon,

And my mind is meandering back

To simpler times and salad years 

Where miracles happen.


It was lightning on the beach

And danger

When a knock came to the door-

She lost her engagement ring

In the sand.

My aunt was magic alive-

Magic is never far away.

She led them to the beach 

And sifting with a screen-

Sure enough there was the ring.

Magic is alive.


They are there, 

All of them crouched down

In the last row o’ the store

Out of sight, waiting for me, 

All of us in our turn,

Waiting to welcome us home.

Magic is alive.

Magic is never far away,

Magic is alive.

Magic is alive.

                     E. D. Ridgell 2020 


Hand Me Downs

Randy worshipped the Stones.
I was a Beatles keeper.
The years are all gone 
As are some of the people.

He married again.
So did the faggot
He did not visit living 
Less than ten miles away.

I have a picture of Larry 
Sitting at dinner twiddling his thumbs.
He died less than a year later.
You handled everything.

Thom wanted his paintings.
I wanted a memento, thats all.
We got nothing
Not so much as a call.

Edie Johns told me of his death.
Like Big Lady 
I always got the news as a hand me down.
I suppose you just couldn’t be bothered.

                                                 E. D. Ridgell 2020


Bang Drum Loudly

We were still in the sweet limerence of love
And you and I were to Arlington.
I had walking pneumonia and it was 
A hot Memorial Day.

I walked and I walked and 
I swear I was like to fill 
One of those holes myself. 
You were then as you are now, patient.

Unlike an elephant high name 
On a cold black wall
You came back from the war
Sporting a decoration for valor.

I’ve never shared that heartbreak
And I’ll not start now.
I’m just forever grateful
Somehow, you came home.
                                     E. D. Ridgell 2020.

Confused Real Time

Which chamber is this?
Reality is taking place in a real time
Technological pastime present time and future
To which are added history in past time, 
Speculation and fiction in real time, 
Sometimes or possibilities of time travel time machines,
In the fantasies of future time-
“And how are you Mr. Wilson?”
Old clips of interviews on any number of platforms:
Dick Cavett, Johnny Carson, This is Your Life, Lucille Ball, 
Being laid down in the time it takes to write this poem.

What time is it.?
I’m in real time typing on the tablet paused
On a former clip of footage from a long lost era-
A Hollywood sex idle I watched grow old and die
In the time allotted to my lifetime
In which right now I’m taking time
To write to imaginary or real friends
Many of which I’ve never met, did meet, 
Or might make the acquaintance of.
I am, to put it succinctly 
Confused real time!

                                     E. D. Ridgell Sometime

The Eagle Scout

He holds
The Order Of The Aztec Eagle.
As you might expect
It is shimmering gold.

He isn’t used to
Soft accolades. He is
honored and confused
By the intangible.  

It warrants
No coverage, yet it’s
Valuable to him,

He’s fathered boys
And one girl.
Touchy and feely, he’s
Affectionate stone.

Trapping through
The Middle East,
He does not tan
Orange does not suit him.
                  E. D. Ridgell 2020

Dozing Through The Bardo

Another face of grief
Or vice versa
Unhealed wounds
Fester memories 
Lurking in the recesses

Lingering resentments
Wasteful dues
The hourglass
Stalks a
Penultimate clash
Of masked memories

Everything living feeds
Dines in a 
Sky rite ritual as
Vultures soar dropping
Their droplets
Into the bardo
                           E D Ridgell 2020

Easter Sunday 2020

Like Mr. Dodd
AKA Elwood
I’m searching:
Looking for the
My confidant-
An angel,
The archangel,

I look in the mirror
Only to spy
A facsimile 
Of what was
My appetizer
For seven throws
I’ve watched it
Grow up only to 
Grow old.

Michael is 
Forever young,
Never speaks,
But smiles-
A smile that is 
As protecting 
As it is gentle.
With Michael, I
Fear no death.
              E D Ridgell
                 Easter Sunday 2020


Misdemeanor 3

So an old man
And his shopping cart
Bump your but
Not once but twice
One for good measure

And you
Life s not been good to you 
You re grieving and you re angry 
Most of the time
Almost all the time

Me to
Don t have nothing n on you
You boost it up
You call in the law
To chase down that there cart

If you could
You d lock the Alta cocker up
And throw away the key
Cut the lead
To his ox e

You re not just 
A little crazy
You re bat shit crazy
And you re 
Not gonna take one aisle longer
                                      E D Ridgell 2020

Class Dismissed!

I’m shocked at how old I’ve become.
It seems just yesterday I was fleet on my feet
With all the stamina of a young buck.
Those minutes to hours have run down.

One day soon the world will go on
All the better without me.
I waste needed oxygen-
All manner of things vital to the young.

I have become a poor investment
A waste of resources. My jackpots bore
The young. They are eager for a turn
At life’s mysteries and complexities.

I crack the mirror and diet for my eyes alone.
Art desires nothing more of me and 
All the desks are empty. There’s not a 
Sunflower seed to be found. Class dismissed!

                                                         E. D. Ridgell 2020





Who hung me a target board

The scapegoat dodging poisoned darts?

Mommy married me only to divorce me 

in the end a hospital ward of witnesses.

Her replacement, a wife armed with a secret 

Carrying her quills of misplaced arrows

She reserved for the lucky men in her life-

First me, then a facsimile of Lincoln

Followed by some mean old lawyer 

Who beat her up with jewelry

She did not prize, and finally Big Daddy 

With the big bucks that everybody did love.


And here comes another wheeling her iPhone

At some officer on the other end who bites 

At the chance to be her stalwart yet absent knight-

Just another dart thrown sideways at me, 

Ammunition clouding her anger at a husband 

Who would die rather than abide her any longer.

I am left with the tatters, a bossy bitch with 

cold angry eyes and a hot burning anger at anyone

Who would dare bump her not once but twice.

Oh well, bother but definitely she’s taking aim.

There’s an old Polish saying; “What’s for ya 

won’t miss ya!” This incoming dart’s for me!

                                                    E. D. Ridgell 2020


On The Shoulders Of Giants


Carl Sagan is

Planted somewhere 

Near Ithaca New York

Under a comforter of newsprint

Anchored with tiny stones

Although he was not Jewish.


Stephen Hawking 

Resides in Westminster Abbey

Near Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin

Having come there from

Great St. Mary’s Church Cambridge

Although he was a devout atheist.


“By denying evidence

For climate change and 

Pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement,

Donald Trump will cause avoidable 

Environmental damage 

To our beautiful planet…”


The time for compromise is past-

There is no room for debate

For us and our children,

Less we become another Venus

Under a hot comforter of

Raining sulphuric acid.


If there were a God,

“We would know the mind of God”-

Everything that God would know

“If there were a God,

Which there isn’t.”

“We’re made of star stuff.”


“Like butterflies who flutter

For a day and think it is forever”,

We fly in the face of Science-

“Extinction is the rule.

Survival is the exception.”

The time for compromise is past-

                                         E. D. Ridgell 2018



Like The Corners Of My Mind

I’ve been grieving for days.
I don’t know why. Waves of memories
Meandering back, break o’er me.
Maybe it’s the antibiotics.

I’m exhausted!
Grief does that, and it never
Recedes, altogether. It doesn’t do that.
It leaves the shore of the mind reluctantly.

I feel wise and as old as the Grand Canyon.
Nobody likes or heeds
My many marbled measures,
Bleaching the canyon walls!

Caesar speaks
To bored snores
Rising from
Bart-cloth pillows.
E. D. Ridgell


Tuckered Out




Barack hit it out of the park.


You could read it on his face.


I’m glad I lived to see universal healthcare-


To see the first African American President.




We landed a space probe on a meteor,


And I thought back on Kennedy-


The race for the moon,






Bill’s gotten better with age,


Like an aged wine. Hillary’s winding down.


The Dem’s got plenty, though,


Whereas they. They got nothing.




Immigration reform?


I’m tired. The family is moving on.


Rudy is happy. I have to hold on,


But truth is I’m tired. I’m plum tuckered out.


                                                 E D Ridgell 


In The Heat Of This Pandemic 


For o’er seventy years 

I’ve tap-danced, hopscotched- 

Pole-vaulted o’er this Ouija Board, 

Only to find I could be corona kindling 

In the heat of this pandemic. 


I’ve tippy toed through ordinary, 

And weary as I am, 

I’ll chance another time 

To cast this sink-box decoy 

O’er board for 

“I will not bend to the marriage.”* 

                                                E D Ridgell 2020 


*…A Man For All Seasons.




Birthday Letters 

I peruse your recipe 

Your adjectives, your brazen 

Obvious inversions, the ingredients  

Of genius. 


I imagine what it must have been like 

To be had by you, to be bad with you. 

Your armpit masculinity hangs on you. 

It drips onto and into every page. 


Everybody was in awe of you. 

She adored you, died for you, 

Because of you. 

Life’s not fair but you’re the poet. 

You had all the badass varmints crow- 

Lived to write these letters. 


Your daughter is the last one standing, 

Victimized again, left wanting. 

Nick didn’t have your strength. 

The void swallowed him. 

Cancer swallowed you in the end. 

I’m spread eagled- 

Hawk Roosting on your droppings. 


To off yourself- 

It’s a waste of a way. He missed you. 

She misses you. The world misses you. 

The birthday letters. 

It’s their doing. They’re perfect.  

They are better than anything I can ever be 

Not that I could ever be so much as a  

Scrounger around your woodpile. 

                                                          E. D. Ridgell


One last War


It was a new kind of war-

Wave after wave of cyber attacks

Commanded by artificial intelligences and

Led by legends of robots.


Mercy was programmed out-

Everything was methodically mathematical.

The living things were prizes behind curtains,

Calculated aphids.


It was the last war

Decided before it was begun.

Its history was ready for publication 

Before the first attack.


Nobody won and 

Everybody lost.

It was

The war to end all wars.




Pain and suffering are universal.

In order to attain anything 

You must first loose everything.

Having lost everything you will gain nothing.

Enlightenment comes in the knowledge 

Of embracing everything.

Embrace the beauty of everything.

Accept empathy

Love everyone and everything.

Be at harmony. Accept enlightenment.

Miss everyone and everything

As they all are deserving.

As everyone and everything are deserving 

So too are you deserving.

Come to trust yourself.

Go to Bodh Gaya.

Love yourself 

As you would love others.

Love is now

Ever was 

And ever will be.

To love yourself:

To love others 

Is to attain enlightenment.

                                   E D Ridgell


Similes and Symbols 


It was a hot day at The Battery 

Where we waited to be screened,  

Bitchy and buckle-less, 

Before passing over to that island, 

A simile for another we proudly passed. 


The Towers were freshly fallen, 

In both memory and the mind’s eye. 

Traumatized, we needed buckling up- 

Some reminder of just who we were 

And what we symbolized. 


We waved to her as we paced, 

Her torch in hand,  

Mother of Exiles reminding us 

“Give me your tired, your poor, 

Your huddled masses yearning to breath free… 


Hers was a worldwide welcome, 

Alike yet unlike the place beside her; 

Sunset gates held ajar with a doorstop. 

She had always been firmly rooted, 

Never tempest tossed was she. 


With silent lips she seemed to ask, 

“Who is an immigrant who 

Does not come to us an alien- 

Wary, unsure, and frightened? 

How do we welcome these?” 


We enfold them into our ranks; 

Offer them succor, and yes 

We educate them  

All to the abundant degree 

Of our bountiful largesse. 


We invite them into our ranks, 

Immigrants every one of us before. 

They are our lifeblood. 

They are our soul. 

They are our folk. 


Speak not to me of minor things, 

Forms and regulations- 

Rather attend to their needs 

And in time when they can muster, 

Foster their pledges for citizenship. 


Let us not seek to stoke 

Fires of discord, similes of smoke signals-  

Symbols of mistakes before! 

“…In as much as ye have done it unto one of these, 

The least of my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”


A Last War


A new kind of war-

Cyber attacks

Commanded by artificial intelligences

Led by robots.


Emotions irrelevant

Everything mathematical.

Humans, prizes behind curtains-

Numerically chosen fodder.


A last war

It’s decision final.

It’s fallen



Nobody won,

Everybody lost-

A last war

Digitally determined.

                   E.D. Ridgell 2020



At the risk of sounding 
Hopelessly codependent  
Which I am, unashamedly, 
I need to vent. 
Rudy stormed out awhile ago
Thoroughly angry, uncommonly furious.
He isn’t one to brag  
Or don ribbons, medals or bows.
He’s a simple ex-Vietnam veteran, 
A decorated one at that. 
But for the luck of a bad shot 
I’d not have the companion of this old age. 
Six weeks ago he sent the forms to the DVD 
For his special Viet-vet license tags- 
No tags so he calls to learn they were rejected,  
No explanation, no notice, and certainly no refund. 
Are we so broken that we have come so low? 
Were our boys stupid to go, losers to serve, suckers to die? 
I think not. I know not. Vote. 
Vote like your country depends on it! 
                                                                            E D Ridgell 2020

Pushing God


There are questions:

If the Big Bang happened

Didn’t it have to happen within something?

I can not bring myself to believe

That something can come from nothing

Isn’t nothing nothing?

Nothing from nothing leaves something?


Whether or not there is a God is irrelevant.

Our need for one is not.

I need one if I am to believe

Something can come from nothing.

Furthermore, mathematics it seems to me

Is a God pusher if ever I saw one.

Don’t push me without a reason. Otherwise,

Push your God on someone else!

                                                     E D Ridgell 2020



I’m dickering with Rome again-

Cataloging sins for the confessional-

Maybe it’s fear of death,

Except that I am not frightened.


Larry made an about face and

Went back to Mother Church.

Lar’ never told you anything

 ‘cept what you needed to hear.

Soon after, he dropped dead, martini in hand-

Talk about adding just a twist of lemon peel!


He’d been viable the other side of sod all,

A mainstay in my arsenal of diddly squat excuses.

In truth I’d done this before, felt the lingering tug,

To go back, change it all around again, to as before.


In my case popery makes sense.

My grandmother born Methodist 

Did not die so. It must have been a shotgun marriage.

Was this Captain Wes, Arthur, or James-

Somers, McGill, or Ridgell?

Whatever, it played into her conversion,

As she is planted back of St. Michaels Catholic Church and

Not next her father up in Saint Mary’s City 

In Trinity Episcopal graveyard. An Obit has 

Arthur dying decades later somewhere in Florida.


Did Dorothy convert as a result of trauma?

She had twelve children all told with just two living

Past infancy and one baby died in a fire.

We’ll never know except that the turning is with her.

It is what it is and it is Catholic.

I am content in this cockeyed ancestry-

Ready then to cross over In my turn when they shall

Incinerate me and lay me gently down to mingle

With ashes awaiting my company among

The cigar-like, seed pods under the Catalpa trees

Of Colonial Williamsburg.

Come on Doc. Bring a Boy home!

                                                                                 E.D. Ridgell







I’m grieving.


I think it was Mendez’s obit.


I tried reaching him once


But didn’t hear back-


Not a word.



It’s this never-ending year.


Everybody’s exhausted


And you get tired of trying.


These walls are closing in-


Locked down!



I try to 


Keep the emperor in tow,


But it’s hard to be in the moment,


To let go.


I want to.




I’m tired.


Stress does that, and it begs




2020 goes on and on and…


And still it’s here.



Caesar can whisper sweet nothings


As much as he likes.


Time still drag asses along


In this never ending bitch of a year-




                                  E. D. Ridgell 2020


Captain Wesley Somers

Now, Captain Wes
Had ninety nine schooners 
On the Bay
When the crash came and 
Ruin came in with the tide.

The feud started when Sterling
Undercut the Captain and
Sold his catch to the few hotels still in play.
It’s said the varmint took a loss
Just to bogart the trade.

In any event, 
That be when Wes 
Left that thar Island, crossed the Bay 
And with what little left 
Built Homewood and 
Settled his family in faire St. Mary’s
Setting to start over.

Poorer, he nevertheless
Left this world owing
Nothing, having
Full title, and his honor.
They buried the skipper
In Trinity up on the hill 
Overlooking the St. Mary’s River.

My father lies planted 
Next to him every inch 
Himself a sailor.
The only recollection 
I have of Captain Wes
Is touching his cold hand
At the invitation of my grandmother
One of many Somers he fathered.

Seawater courses my veins 
Even now in the September of my years-
Proud to be his great grandson.
I understand the resolution and the drive 
To carryon no matter the ebb and flow.
                                             E. D. Ridgell, 2020


Hear Me,


But do not heed me-

That is more merit than is wise.

I am in search of the soul of the self

To sort the sounds that simmer within.


Hear me muse upon the mathematics of my mind

At times like some paramecium’s scum

Where I swim backwards, to and fro,

In many synchronous schemes.


Hear me,

As I strum my chords and stroke my words,

Free and open futility to reveal,

My mumpsimus of brainwash.


Hear me

As I sing into shrinking time

That is but overtime-

I suppose.


Hear me in your mind’s eye,

The modulations you mediate,

Misled by my coarse, rough punctuation

Of so little regard.


Hear me,

Expecting nothing in me.

I do not sing for your praise-

In this silkily triggered trope of voice.

                                                     E. D. Ridgell 


Temple Offerings

Forever fickle
Fortuna would have
Her cake and eat it too  

A devotee
Offerings are plenty
As bespeaks her largesse

But fail in their duty
Her retribution 
Is to the Prince
As Thebes to Athens

He and they
All luck
And sought after bounty 
                      E D Ridgell 2020

The Eagle Scout


He holds

The Order Of The Aztec Eagle.

As expected

It shimmers gold.


He isn’t used to

Soft accolades. He is

Honored and confused

By the intangible.  


It warrants

No coverage, yet it’s

Valuable to him-



He’s fathered boys

And a girl.

Touchy and feely, he’s

Affectionate stone.


Trapping through

The Middle East,

He does not tan-

Orange does not suit him.

                  E. D. Ridgell 2020


Oh Where Oh Where


Where is he?

He’s never gone this long.

Nothing stirs except revision,

And this is only half baked.


Worries abide,

But that’s come far,

And the ear is tuned to

Too much secular. It weighs!


At risk with no way home-

Do you care? Of course, but

You just can’t find the right demon.

Not yet!


So irritable,

And oh so judgemental,

Who do you think you are,



Come won’t you?

Please. I cannot breath.

It’s been forever and a day.

Where are you? I need you!

                         E. D. Ridgell 2020


Hawking’s Bequest

Carl Sagan
Though not Jewish
Is planted
In Ithaca New York
Under a comforter of newsprint
Anchored under a large stone.

Come furtively in bits and pieces
From Great St. Mary’s, Cambridge is
Tucked in the Abbey
Near Newton and Darwin.
A fervent atheist, he bequest… 

“By denying evidence
For climate change and 
Pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement,
Donald Trump will cause avoidable 
Environmental damage 
To our beautiful planet…”

Spent is anymore time for compromise;
There is no further room for debate
For us or our children,
Less we become another Venus
Under a warm blanket of
Sulphuric acid.

If there were a God,
“We would know the mind of God”-
Everything that God would know
“If there were a God,
Which there isn’t.”
“We’re made of star stuff.”

“Like butterflies that flutter
For a day and think it is forever”,
We fly in the face of Science-
“Extinction is the rule.
Survival is the exception.”
The time for compromise is past-
                                         E. D. Ridgell 2019


Memories That Will Not Die!


If they could not speak,

They just ran their hands

O’er Traveler

In a despairing goodbye.


The old man,

Hat in hand,

Did not avert

His blazing eyes.


Eyes born

Of a woman

Buried alive.

Eyes that beheld

Too many dead.


The boxwoods at Stratford Hall,

Elephant eye-high a decade ago,

Now slowly die of root rot.

The memory of them does not! 


The Grave Yard Rave

All the ghosts are dancing,
All the dead are frolicking,
All the swing kids are in attendance.

The ghouls are out.
The kings and emperors play civil
While the tyrants trade jibes.

The yard’s forgotten
There is a price to pay 
When seals go broken and slime seeps in.

Singapore wears a sling
As Helsinki picks out a tie.
Moscow mocks them all in a tux.

All the dead soldiers
Are swinging.
The yard’s  jumping.

The Red
In his best military fatigue 
Lends Counsel behind a tombstone.

Oh where is the sun to banish
The grave robbers? “Will the
Last one out please turn off the”...night? 
                                                E. D. Ridgell 2018

A Front Row Seat

Gay lad,
Lost lad,
Under the lamppost.
Poor lad
Kneeling ‘fore the host.

Where is the lad
Fading lad,
Petulant lad-
In the front row.
            E. D. Ridgell 2019


Gimme Gimme Gimme


Dawkins and Fry, get out of my face!

Chris was enough, God rest his soul!

I go one God further, that’s all.

Take the dust covers off Our Lady,

Let Jesus bleed a miracle or two.

Let bells toll and choirboys watch their virtue.

I take it all back, the Latin, the incense, 

And all the archaic superstitions- 

Gimme, gimme, gimme.


I mean, who are these fools?

Where are Chesterton and Waugh.

When you bloody well need them?

There is a link ‘tween eye and heart 

That does not need intellect.

Every creed promises a paradise but

It seems to me there is only one rock hard.

The source of faith is anything but fact-

Mystery married to myth.

                                                     E. D. Ridgell 2019


I Always Thought


At nine she killed God

Reasoning He deserved it.

She sat back and 

Wrote ferociously.


She’d eventually write 

Five or as many as six a day

Towing the dawn in

Letting the day begin.


She insisted she was a Yank

Would always be a Yank

Would always speak 

And write in perfect Yankee.


In her imperfect way

She embodied

The angry bots

Of her being. 



Haphazardly She, Sylvia

Turned the Gas on

And Joined God.

                             E. D. Ridgell



I hate it when bad things happen to good people.

I do a lot of hating. Nobody ever said it would be fair,

And it has not been fair, not by a long shot.

Democracy is the pursuit of truth.

It is the search for fairness though that should 

Drive social and political discourse, even if 

They can never be fully attained. Democracy is pliable.

Democracy is the pursuit of truth.

Compromise is baked into Democracy. Democracy 

Should safeguard the rights of all, especially the 

Right of a minority to one day become the majority.

Democracy is the pursuit of truth.

Democracy too, is fragile. It needs the majority’s 

Tacit approval if it is to survive. Power is needed only when 

Democracy fails or is threatened by interests inside and out.

Democracy is the pursuit of truth.

                                                                        E. D, Ridgell 2019  


Show And Tell

What makes folks think I have any inkling 

If these droppings have any merit?

Like Emily, I haven’t a clue-

Not that I mind, mind you.

Fame does nothing for an old man.

Why then do I subject them to ridicule?

I think it is a kind of innocent show and tell. 

Decades ago well o’er half a century,

In a one room school house, 

She singled you out-

Had you hold up that crayon drawing

Of the house backed by the bright yellow sun.

You never, ever, forgot that!

                                               E. D. Ridgell 2019


El Cid!

There’s something about the light in Spain
That cuts sharp shadows. It’s a bright light like no other.
The heat of the sun must infuse the heart-
The Spanish are passionate. I know, 
I loved one.

The Spanish, too, can abide the tyrant.
Democracy just doesn’t cut it.
God knows, they tried. There’s a 
Strong homo-erotercism. Lads
In military trucks wrapped in each others arms.

It’s the land of the bull sacrifice,
Some left over religious fervor.
They once ruled a vast empire
Only to loose it in the course 
Of just one turbulent century.

Everything about that land 
Is sharp, hot, and turbulent-
A land made for risk 
No matter the danger. Spain 
Has many lovers and no cowards.

                                   E. D. Ridgell 2019



I cannot control 
Anything outside of myself.
Why do I worry?
I do but I shouldn’t.
I’d make a poor god.

I can savor blessings,
Try to be happy and 
Righteous. Share little
Ripples of wisdom-
That’s all. Enough!
                     E. D. Ridgell 2020


I don’t always vote. 
It needs motivating. 
No! It needs passion, 
A bit of anger. An act of treason! 
I’m no slouch in my patriotism. 
It’s as corny and as old as is my 
Aging constitution. I love my country; 
It’s mixed up mythology, it’s rebellion, it’s distrust  
Of outside intervention. I condone every 
Rationalization. I echo every war cry of 
Refutation off of it’s bloodied, canyon walls.  
For every action there is a reaction. 
The force is forever forward marching. 
The revolution burns and brands every true citizen,  
No matter his misdirections. It is about spirit.  
It is the flight and fight of the eagle, 
Each feather storm tossed from out some other nation. 
There are some votes that come from the gut of me! 
No reasoning is necessary. It is primary to my roots, 
Vomited up from the blood and guts of my forefathers. 
Don’t lecture me or mine on freedom, ancestors of  
Hershey Bar toting, well meaning, young boys  
Who dot this earth under the white crosses of a faith  
And conviction to match any you might catch out  
Of a Norman Rockwell painting.


Alleygaters And Snaikes In A Moot

“We’ll shoot the generals 
On our own side.”
We’ll put another nickel
In another war then
Churn up lots of lads and 
Send the dog tags to their lasses.
We, are wisdom unmatched,
Unrivaled betrayal.

Recall the ambassador.
Hold your guns in limbo.
Call Constantinople collect
But tell no one 
Grab’m by the 
Puss and boots,
Then kiss my fat,
White superiority.
                            E. D. Ridgell



Non Regrets


I was in my prime 

Thirty five or so and 

We were picking

Always in search of antiques.


I looked up 

As I heard the geese overhead

Flying South for the winter, and 

I thought of how happy we were.


I remember saying to you

“These could be the best years!”

Life is what happens to you

When you’re making other plans.


And as is too often the case,

I proved right. 

I have no regrets though.

We could not have been more blessed.

                                                  E. D. Ridgell


Matters Of Kindness


So you get out.

Is there ever really a good time?

God, you’re frightened. You’ve never had any delusions.

Where to go? Where to live? How to live?

Never, ever did you need 

A bridge over trouble waters

Like you do today.


You’ll likely get fired, probably disowned, thoroughly blamed,

And you zig zag and hopscotch

And drink a lot, smoke a lot, fuck a lot,

Find your best buddy up your ass,

And not a friend in sight.


The nice thing about the bottom 

Is the only way is up, so you get up,

And it’s turned over for you.

There on a corner you meet a rare thing,

Kindness, a patient ear, an unselfish person,

Everything wanted of Him.


You raise yourself up. You build anew.

You meet the nicest person, you meet you.

No one does it on his own, no one.

Fundamentals count. Empathy counts.

To the degree that you are empathic,

That is the degree that you know God.

In the end 

the only thing that matters is kindness.


                                                   E. D. Ridgell 




Cupped in his hand was a new born fledgling 
Recently pushed from the nest by a sibling. 
“Nature is not sentimental”, he said. 
He nestled it in his lap and sat there patiently waiting. 
I asked him, “Is there nothing we can do”? 
“No”, he said. “We can only keep it company”. 
I sat there next to him and watched the little bird die. 
In that death love was born. 
This was the first of many things that clipped my wings.  
There was no need. I never was tempted to fly away. 

He had kept doves as a young boy, 
And we kept all breeds of ducks, the symbols of fidelity. 
There was that time we stopped to watch 
The farmer plow his field in the company of hundreds of swans  
Who fed upon the upturned seed.
There was that mountain drive parallel to two swans in flight. 
We watched their necks wobbling to the beating of their wings. 
There are still ducks in that pond at Williamsburg-

In those last few hours I nestled him in my arms and waited patiently  
Listening to his last rattle song.
I whispered to him, 
"It’s alright Precious. You can go. I’ll be OK”. 
I lied. 
He died-

Now, every time I drive by the Mennonite farm, 
I look for them in the pond, the swan couple. 
I’m upset if one is missing, and I’m impatient to see it, next time.  
It’s always there. I’ve done this for eight years, now. 
It is not my turn, and I have company.  
I’m not afraid of anything, and 
I only hope that when my time comes,  
Someone will nestle me and wait patiently. 
Look to the skies and listen. You can hear them, birds on the wing,
Flapping and speaking in their many different tongues. 
I particularly like the sounds of the ducks and geese, don’t you?
                                                                                    c. E.D. Ridgell, 2009
                                                                                         Revised 2018

The Speckled Palace Green In Fare Williamsburg


I read your journal again tonight

And I realized its time to close

At least until I follow. I’ve completed

That long journey this side of grief.


I love you now as I loved you then.

Wait. I linger here for now.

I was lucky and my mind’s eye

As well as my patchwork heart

Found love yet again. The kids

Up and had three children.

Your Vital is a grandfather three times o’er.

I learned too Vital is a mountain of a man!


Another chapter or two,

Chapters denied you. God does not

Corrugate folds of our design.

It is a mystery and always shall be-

We love. We abide awhile. We die.

Patience Precious. It is a mystery

As to when I will follow to rest with you on

The speckled palace green in fare Williamsburg.





Thank You Tank Man!


I wanted you to know

We have not forgotten you.

What became of you

Remains a mystery.

Are you imprisoned somewhere,

A worker bee with one less kidney?


There is no statue in the square,

But the news is out there.

Accept these words as a small tribute

To your bravery and courage.

They have not erased you from history.

The hidden newsreel of the tank got through

Though you may have never known it.

The world heralded you as news

Even as your comrades fled, pushing pedals,

Cycling fast to be free from tyranny.


Are you in a grave somewhere,

Or are you the manager of a KFC?

Do your ashes reside somewhere

In a lacquered box hidden from the guard,

Waiting to be spread on Tiananmen Square?

Perhaps you were spared, married,

And had the prescribed one baby-

A fat son? I hope so.


You did your country honor

And I wanted you to know

Your ancestors smiled as

Your message, delivered before

That tank’s, turreted, red star

Traveled the world over-

Echoing yet again,

‘One man can make a difference!


Many men can make a Veteran’s Day.

My country sets aside one day to remember

Its known and unknown heroes.

Come linger with us. You are not forgotten.

Let us play taps to your memory

As well as to our own sons for

There are no boundaries

In the cause of freedom.

Thank you Tank Man!

                    c. E.D. Ridgell, 2007


It Is Not Easy To Be You!


She is not paid to be emphatic,

Unless she uncovers something,

Chases my scent,

Smokes me out-

As I can not help but evade,

Even as I struggle to be caught

Running through the hedgerows of this hunt.


And so when she looks at me and says:

“I do not think it is easy to be you”,

She garners my attention.

She has me and with such a simple thing

To have never sunk in.

It is not meant to be easy.

I thought it was meant to be easy.

It is not!


I play the herald to the despot

For the sake of others, shielding myself.

Never coming into the limelight,

But always the dresser to the star,

The king’s man, a ear to his exact word:


“I wish I had your gift for words.

It’s stunning in it’s classical restraint!

Hold out your hand!”

With a pat as with a fan, I sought to mimic

A queen’s words and thereby gather parts

Together into me;

Laertes behind the curtain!


Despite my best efforts though

To test and risk the anger of many kings,

The dagger has never run me through,

No matter how I tempted it behind the curtain.

The princes have all failed me,

All the while I was absorbed adding to that

Foundation that was there from the beginning,

And for which she is paid to find the core.


I find myself like Delacroix’s father,

An astute arbiter who guesses the answers

Before the questions have even entered their minds.

I wish I were not right so often. I usually am.

It is too easy. It is not meant to be easy.

I thought it was meant to be easy. It is not.

It is not easy to be me. I find nothing hard enough

To justify this mimicry and hiding.

“You will never more hear from Herald.”

“If I have played my part well,

Clap your hands and dismiss me

With applause from the stage.”


Like Echoes Off The Canyon Walls

So long as I have a voice, 
It will resonate
Like echoes off the canyon walls-
The hopes and dreams
Of the hundreds and hundreds 
Of young black children
I was so blessed to teach
In the hopes it would show them that 
Black lives, like all lives, do matter,
And no matter the race or creed
We all are equal in this,
Our beloved country!
                                 c. E.D. Ridgell, 2016

A Lonely, Last Bud to Fall

In a spell that seems so long already,

I tend one after another garden

In a lifetime of gardening.


The precious buds fall one at a time.

They burn and decay away.

They are in my memory 

And missed each for a passion its own.


I tend the garden now aging and failing,

But still I till on, one season at a time.


I am not sure why I garden still.

Or why the lovely buds must Wither and fall.
I am resigned,

But I do confess I fear I’ll be

A lonely, last bud to fall!

                 © 2011 by E.D. Ridgell


Boxing Day, 2015

Every year, I think to myself,
This is your last. Keep a good Christmas.
Then pops around another,
And I start all over.

I used to say to Russell,
I won't make thirty,
Not with this epidemic
Weighing on my conscience.

Truth is, it is a miracle,
And one to give me pause-
Not in my license, I assure you,
But in His intentions.

Why was I spared-
To bury so many others?
Surely He requires nothing of me,
Except perhaps a sincere confession.

Was it to champion
So much cancer? If so,
Swing open those pearly gates.
I've a ticket- first class, plus luggage!

I'm so old, now,
I sometimes fancy myself wise,
Though no one seems interested in
The meanderings of another naked civil servant.

It was a splendid Christmas,
Though, mark me, it was my last.
I've short goals and with pluck
And a little luck, I'll soon bid you adieu.
                                 E.D. Ridgell, 2015


Times Have Changed!

I remember my Dad swinging a chicken
Round and round with one arm.
Then laying its head on the end of a block of wood
And chop-pin it off with a sharp hatchet....
I swear that chicken got right up and ran
Round and round with no head at all!
I must have been no more than five.

I was play-in out back, one day,
When I saw a long, slicked-back worm, it's back raised up
As if taking aim to spit right in my eye.
I ran in and told Mommy and she
Came out, took a garden how, chopped that big worm up,
Then draped it o'er the garden fence,
Went back in the kitchen and that was that.

Life and death had little meaning
To a kid so young. I had no real fear of mortality.
One day, me and my friends walked out o'er
Cracking ice jumping up and down at the thrill of it.
I remember walking o'er a long railroad bridge,
With nary a worry of an oncoming train.
I was immortal then but only then. Times have changed!
c. E.D. Ridgell, 2014


Cromwell's Back!


Slowdown Governor.

I'm not buying that smile, again.

You're not too big to fail.


I don't need you're next Cold War.

I've got to save an Island;

Easter Island.


The Muslim Brotherhood

Is only a threat to McCarthyism.

Have you no shame!


Monica is multi-orgiastic.  Have you no shame?

Put your blond bombshell

Back to bed! The fat lady's not through singing!

                                      © 2012 by E.D. Ridgell


Easter Sunday 2020

Like Mr. Dodd
AKA Elwood
I’m searching:
Looking for the
My confidant-
An angel,
The archangel,

I look in the mirror
Only to spy
A facsimile 
Of what was
My appetizer
For seven throws
I’ve watched it
Grow up only to 
Grow old.

Michael is 
Forever young,
Never speaks,
But smiles-
A smile that is 
As protecting 
As it is gentle.
With Michael, I
Fear no death.
              E D Ridgell
                 Easter Sunday 2020

Time Waits For No One


She quizzed me

Asking after the oxygen-

Saying they would not want to loose me, and

Suddenly the morning was not so lonely.


Where do all the lonely people go?

Like me, do they seek to just fade away

Into the waiting bosom of eternity.

I can think of a worse fate.


Our little time

Is swallowed in the vastness

Just bordering eternity-

A bit of sand in our hourglass.


Fame fades.

All civilizations morph

Into history. Only change

Is certain. Death comes to all of us.


It makes absolutely no sense 

For a Christian to fear death. It wins at chess every time-

An opportunity to add

One more to its flock.


Where do all the lonely people go?

Like me, do they seek to just fade away

Into the waiting bosom of eternity.

I can think of a worse fate.

                                      E. D. Ridgell 2019


Nothing From Nothing 


Until quantum mechanics; 

A monkey wrench 

Into what had been

A good scheme of things-


I didn’t question life.

It was thrust on me, as is.

I could see no reason for its pain-

No explanation or need of it.


And what became of tank man?

We will never know.

I stuck him in a poem though

It’s the least I could do.


Nothing from nothing

Leaves nothing. 

We are nothing 

In the scheme of things.


Life is not fair.

It was never intended to be-

Only the intense 

Dislike of it as so.


I have come here

Resolved to die.

I have lived this long life.

I wonder if ending it ends all?


And when Eve 

Proved herself a whore, you were left

With no place to go

And so you went nowhere.


                                     E. D. Ridgell 2019


We’re Open!


Everyday there are over fourteen hundred deportees-

But for the grace of God.  Why?

Did we take the welcome sign down?

Surely we did not mean to, not seriously!


We are a nation of cast offs, cast aways,

Cargo holds of throwaways,

Unwanted, and fleeing refugees.

It is our pedigree. It is our heritage.


 No one driving a taxi in New York City

Knows where in the hell he's going. 

We like it that way, 

A one-way ticket to who knows where.


Send us your baggage. Bestow on us your choicest bums.

Plus begets of left o'er slaves.

We will make citizens of these. 

Throw a homo or two into the stew. You've got potpourri! 


But beware! Take care! Don't spit on the smile of our

Shoeshine boys. Don’t come railing at us

In hopes we’ll forget or falter. We won’t.

We’re open!

                                                                                   E. D. Ridgell


White Walls Of Washington


Cry wolf

I triple dare you.

This is the cliff

At a journey

Of our own making.


You get what you pay for

Including congressmen.

Agnew, he didn’t come cheap

But he was white

His best qualification.


Money talks as

Some jump hand to hand-

Tall cliffs and taller buildings.

Bullshit walks as it sullies

The white walls of Washington.

                                        E. D. Ridgell


The Covenant 

You can rub their noses in it 

And they will still not smell.

You can put it right under their noses 

And they still will not see.

You can shout it in their one ear 

And it will go right out the other.

You can reason with them 

And they will be unreasonable.

You can tolerate them up to a point,

The point where they threaten the safety 

And welfare of all including themselves. 

Only then can you act and only in moderation. 

That is the covenant 

Of free speech and democracy, 

Allowing the minority a right 

To become the majority.

                                    E. D. Ridgell


Maybe This Time

It was my very first broken heart.

It would not be my last.

Sharon had dropped me 

Wanting to play the field.

I realized later it wasn’t her I missed

But the family.

In my youth I had misjudged

Not for the last time.

I dated Patricia on the rebound,

A short, fragile little thing

That needed glasses

And bored me to tears.

My next love was a boy.

Nobody was more shocked than me.

All sorts of things were bubbling over

And I knew nothing of what I was feeling.

Bill went on to Poly’s A course 

Skipping a year and 

I forfeited a miserable year 

Laying my plans to follow.

A year later I was in Poly only to find 

Bill had moved on at least in his mind.

This was my second broken heart.

It would not be my last.

I went through high school

With few friends

And fewer enemies.

I was playing it safe I thought.

In my senior year

I met my future wife.

I was in love and 

Little did I know perilous danger.

We were wed and in time 

She was pregnant.

I was flying little did I know

Too close to the sun.

We were happy for awhile

Until my wings began to melt

And sure enough

Everything came tumbling down.

This was another heartbreak.

I wasn’t having luck with either sex

If luck was involved with it.

I had at least learned to tap dance.

After the divorce

I lost count as I danced 

through one love after another 

Until Tom.

Tom would be the worse heartbreak.

Words cannot convey the pain

Of a grieving heart but

We grieve to the degree we love.

I know now to take risks-

No pain, no gain.

I’m in love again but

Maybe this time, it will be my last.

                                                      E. D. Ridgell


Matters Of Kindness


So you get out.

Is there ever really a good time?

God, you’re frightened. You’ve never had any delusions.

Where to go? Where to live? How to live?

Never, ever did you need 

A bridge over trouble waters

Like you do today.


You’ll likely get fired, probably disowned, thoroughly blamed,

And you zig zag and hopscotch

And drink a lot, smoke a lot, fuck a lot,

Find your best buddy up your ass,

And not a friend in sight.


The nice thing about the bottom 

Is the only way is up, so you get up,

And it’s turned over for you.

There on a corner you meet a rare thing,

Kindness, a patient ear, an unselfish person,

Everything wanted of Him.


You raise yourself up. You build anew.

You meet the nicest person, you meet you.

No one does it on his own, no one.

Fundamentals count. Empathy counts.

To the degree that you are empathic,

That is the degree that you know God.

In the end 

the only thing that matters is kindness.


                                                   E. D. Ridgell 



The Grave Yard Rave



All the ghosts are danc’n

All the dead frolick’n.

All the swing kids are in attendance.



The ghouls are out.

The kings and emperors are civil

As tyrants trade jibes.



The yard’s forgotten

There’s a price to pay 

When seals go broken.



Singapore wears a sling

As Helsinki picks out a tie.

Moscow mocks them in a tux.



The dead soldiers

Are swing’n.

The yard’s jump’n.



The Red

In best military fatigues

Lend council behind a tombstone.



Oh where is the sun to banish

The grave robbers? “Will the

Last one out please put out the light?”

                                                 E. D. Ridgell


“I’m Just Not Myself When Your Away”

Où es-tu Michel?
Your not a bloody Pooka,
And this ain’t no stage-
“And how are you today Mr. Wilson?”
You might well ask me, my friend.

I’m tired Michael.
I feel like a bad juggler in a cray circus.
The more I try to let go,
The more thirsty I get.
Take it will you mon ami?

I’m not sleeping well-
Oh for a Pom Pom spread of soft chenille-
Sleep, perchance to wake “…to sleep, to sleep 
Perchance to dream-ay.”
Take it Michael,
I’m to bed!
                                                     E. D. Ridgell 2019

The Galloping Gertie Dog


Tubby the three-legged spaniel

May be gone but he is not forgotten.

Man’s best friend could not swim or fly

And a last attempt was met with a bit of a bite.


And so Tubby plunged to a doggie death

Into the raging waters below. Nothing of Tubby

Was ever found but he lives on in the

History of the land of the Lushootseed.

                                                      E. D. Ridgell 2019


Pray For Humiliy

Profound feeling,
Poetry and prayer,
Expression and humility.

Peter hit him
With the first shot.
Crimson on the Russian snow.

Faith is not apprehended 
By reason but by life.
Life does little else but humble.

It is not made by hitting the mark
But by intense feelings either or.
A prayer is better spent in humility.

Do not pray then to worship
That which is in need of no such thing-
Pray for humility.
                                         E. D. Ridgell 2019

Googling Obits

I used to say to Russell,
“I won’t live to be thirty.”
Now, look at the mess I’m in.
I’m damned if I do. 
I’m damned if I don’t.

I don’t know if Russell is alive or dead,
And I’m good at that sort of thing.
He’d be around seventy now.
It’s just something old people do
Google names, places, obits.

I’m not depressed or anything-
Curious if nothing else.
A reporter tried to pin
Thurgood Marshal down. Why retire now?
“Because I’m an old man” he answered.

I told Vera not to put me
In a room without an art sink.
On the third floor, I made calls
And retired on the dot.
I enjoyed that.

Through the grape vine
I heard the kids threw the kiln
Out the third floor window-
It’d be possible but just.
Pity Vera wasn’t under it!
                              E. D. Ridgell 2019

Née D'Alesandro

She’s only a woman-
Fair game to the old feathered buzzards
That rule the roost. Set her up.
There’s score cards enough.

Liqueur her up, put it out there-
You gotta put it out there, you know 
You gotta put it out there.
They’re gullible. They’ll believe anything.

She’s only a woman-
A me too slinger. Serves her right.
Serves the bitch right.
Give her an abortion she’ll remember.

Public enemy numero uno-
She’s the one. Just another ball buster,
A wrinkled necked Baltimore oriole,
Crazy as a loon. Go ahead. She’s only a woman!
                                                       E. D. Ridgell 2019

Waiting For The Horsemen!

The highest officials are suspect.
Degradation and dishonor abound-
Greed sullies the ranks and 
It’s not politic to poke or prod their emails.

Fantasy and fear tumble as
Reality shakes for the shapeshifter-
In far-off lands fascism sprouts
Seeds saved from a dead century.

Motorcycle monkeys
Mount Subarus and Kawasaki’s
For a blitzkrieg led by Fox TV
In a false front for flattery.

And here come the Horsemen
Riding again from the bowels of history
To once more humble the mighty
And trod headlong o’er the needy-

Here come the Russians sporting
Their dancing bears drunk as usual
On cheap vodka and questionable sports
Led by this century’s butch Tsar!

It’s another game of craps but
These dice don’t roll right.
Gamblers are warring in the wings
Waiting for the horsemen!

                                    E. D. Ridgell, 2019


It’s Alright To Die. I’ll Be OK

We were walking side by side
In a high-tide, wetland of a hot Somerset sun,
And I had warned Tom not to trust the stone slabs,
That top the shallow graves tuned to the tide,
When, all of a sudden, down goes Tom. Turning,
I spy him stalled and standing in a shallow grave
Implacable as always with spoon and melon still in hand
And bent upon finishing his melon.He loved cantaloupe.

How do I forgive God this transgression on our happiness-
Funnel teaspoon after teaspoon down parsed lips?
The hospice worker apprises the end is near-
I am free to measure the dosage and he intimates
The dying sometimes wait for some promissory permission. 
Nie! I cannot help put out that light we worked so hard 
To keep lit. That religion we sharebelies such a coarse, and so
I bend down with a last kiss upon his brow and whisper a last lie-

“It’s alright to die. I’ll be okay.”
                                                                            E. D. Ridgell
                                                                               Revised 2018






She died before the questions.


Where did the popery come from


For one of Wesley’s children


Carried to her catholic grave


In St. Mathew’s graveyard?




She told me she was Irish-


Laid it on me from the back steps.


God knows we were catholic,


But how and when, and more importantly,


Why was I Irish?




I didn’t learn she lost a baby to a fire


Until I had become an old man, an elder,


And, as usual, the last to hear anything!


Of a dozen babies only two survived,


And these secrets are buried now.




No matter, if I am half Irish,


It is the English root I gnawed!


Keep your dirty potatoes. No Irishman


Ever loved me as a kid!




They moved me from the country,


Into the sooty city, and gave me to the penguins,


Just to diagram sentences, serve on the altar,


And march me to a late communion!




Truth is, I loved and hated it. You do, you know.


The statuary, a rough and tumble,


Game of stick on a huge, dirt hill,


The incense, the masochism of the confessional-


All that lovely Popery!



Pills In White Boxes

They’ve all left now, finally.
I’ve only ever wanted to die alone
Free from the eyes and hands of anybody.
This is a home in which I am not at home. 
The doors swing silently and there are no locks save one.
It is my last move, I know. I doubt I’ll need most things
in those brown boxes they packed and labeled for me. 

Where has that white box gotten to, my pills and pictures? 
There it is over there. I’ll open it later, if I decide to play with my pills today.
Maybe I’ll cut one or two in two or take two or more...
I don’t want to look at pictures today, desperate attempts to recapture
Summary events slowly fading away. Someone just came in and left 
Without saying a word. That’s OK. I’m feeling tired today 
What with disappearing and all, fading, fading, fad...
                                                                            E. D. Ridgell. 2018

Render Unto Caesar

I am sorry you are not here
To see the oldest set sail,
To bask at the middle’s ninety eight,
To see the tyke kick a soccer ball! 

Death leaves a void,
And your’s a cavern-
Time moves on 
Even as we dally.

Old age is both harried
And sublime.
You marvel at the sky
And watch your eaglets fly.

The sand drowns down,
The hour nears it’s close and like
My would-be grandfather long ago
I will see Caesar’s taxes done!
                                E. D. Ridgell 2017

The Cocksucker Blues


A lonesome boy

With a fine head of hair,

Had turned himself inside out-

Hell bent on coming out.


Hot-tailing round Wyman Park

Racking up three of four a night,

He was mad as hell at the irony-

One after another notched up to spite.


His straight friends had made a beeline.

No one could abide him.

His Dad up and died and

His Mom was long dead!


Sit’n ‘side a cold cement lion

‘Fore the Museum of Art.

He had no place to sleep.

No hole to crawl into.


“Oh where can I get my cock sucked?

Where can I get my ass fucked?

I may have no money

But I know where to put it every time.


Well, I asked a young policeman

If he’d only lock me up for the night.

Well, I’ve had pigs in the farmyard-

Some of them, some of them, they’re alright,


Well, he fucked me with his truncheon,

And his helmet was way too tight.

It’s daybreak and I feel lost and lonely.

I got the cocksucker blues!


Oh where can I get my cock sucked?

Where can I get my ass fucked?

I ain’t got no money

But I know where to put it every time.**


**Sir Michael Phillip Jagger


Icing On A Fruitcake!


And of all things

I would have thought

No one could have ever said to me,

She tells me you are dying of

Pancreatic cancer!


And like Grammy’s favorite,

Red, Christmas ornament,

Imprinted on my mind,

That Billy Jim and I shot dead

With our wicked pea-shooters

So long ago, I turn these things

So that the holes do not show,

And their glow feigns to grace my

Sight until someone else

Might grieve their loss, and

Lay me gently down even with these

Tears at such sad loss.


I did not take that last call to me,

Saying, yet again, that you forgave me,

Yet one more time. If it lifted your

Spirit up, in truth, that’s all

I ever wished between us.


For my part,

I was always so much more

In my mind’s eye,

And never just icing on a fruitcake.

I think my life well hung.

Let it hang as it will,

The best tokens of it to shine

Long after I am gone.


 Somewhere In The Trenches Of America 

I feel I won't be long, now.
We'll be mingling again,
Dust and bone under the footfalls
Of the next in line.

I haven't heard.
Have you had snow,
And does the drum and fifes still
Pass the green? Who won best door?

I hope all worry and fear
For those loved and leave behind
Falls away with the sweet embrace
Of eternity.

I hope too you are spared news- 
Precious patriot that you are or were-
Of the tedious rise and fall of caliphates,
Here, there, everywhere the din of protest of war!

Remember, you refused to bayonet
Their silly straw man?
They could not understand a heroism
That refused to shoot the dove!

You wore them down in the end-
Hit the bulls-eye on the range so often
They just pushed you on,
Never knowing another faggot got his orders.

Rudy who will follow had to go over-
Won the distinguished service medal under fire.
All my best queers are heroes. I've done the best I can
To temper an ecstasy for 'Mad Dog' saviors.

I feel I won't be long, now.
We'll be mingling again,
Dust and bone under the footfalls
Of the next in line.
                                 c. E.D. Ridgell, 2017 somewhere
                                     in the trenches of America.

Faith Alone!

So you drag ass yourself through a lifetime
Of interminable tests and high-wire risks 
Only Spider-Man or Wonder Woman
Could survive only to have some
Cripple of a theoretical physicist,
One of the countless Sagan cosmologists,
Tell you there is no proof of or, worse yet,
Bloody need of a God, let alone a trinity!

And you ask yourself, for Christ Sakes,
Well who in the hell is that inside my head,
And who have I been entreating all these
Dog-eared years to save my sorry ass!
I mean give me a God Damed break, will you?

Never did I feel so close to anyone
As I did before that plaster statue
Of our Sacred Lady some half a century ago-
Staring up pouring my child’s heart out
To the only person I felt could hear
My confusion and bewilderment 
At things I just couldn’t unwrap
No matter how I tried. As an altar boy
I felt chosen not to be better
But to serve something clear and unsullied.

I have always been the kindest person I know,
Indeed this world with its strange inhabitants
Still feels alien to me. I’ve given up ever
Feeling anything like what they call normal.
I dared not say anything in the confessional
For fear of God knows what, and the thing was,
I didn’t know what was and what wasn’t.
I just worked off of their templates.

I clearly saw Michael. I’ve never been prone
To apparitions. He sat there on the pompom,
White, chenille bedspread until poof, like that,
He was gone. To this day, I believe this,
And so to this day I refuse to give up
The memory of him, of My Lady,
Or my much maligned faith in God Almighty!
                                                   c. E.D. Ridgell, 2016

Pixie Dust!

I feel like God sprinkled me 
With Tinker Bell's pixie dust-
Poof, your Queer! 
Poof the magic Cock Sucker-
One of His chosen ones!

Everybody likes me! Somebody loves me!
Well, I'm still crazy! It's still heavy,
And I'm not buying nothing-
Never did, and never will!

Their gestures side peripheral notations-
Catch them up and I feel the shame of their
Copycat Punch and Judy shows-
Somebody including the lesbo is mimic'n me!

Hush! Hush! Now, don't you cry.
He'll screw her - then he'll fuck you-
He's always William to comply-
Grease everybody up just a little!

Is that a noose round their Persian necks?
Is that them pushed off to fly?
Muhammad, "I am not worthy 
To receive you". I'm preoccupied!

Well do a little blow-
Drink a shit load!
Nothing's gonna wash that
Sweet pixie dust off you're ass!

Shocked are you? 
Well then, do us a favor will ya 'n 
Get out of the confessional!
                                  c. E.D. Ridgell, 2016


 Lord, Lay Me Down, Gently Now


I drank and drank and drank for months I think

Trying to just find that place, that place for me;

That resting place where I could be invisible-

Where I could just lay flat and still, out of their way.


I lay me down in a corn field and let out a queer guffaw; 

I cut dead any shame with another laugh and came to rest.

I reckoned back, when last a pretty boy, I lay on the lawn of Clifton Park

And looked and looked and looked for that four leaf clover, that myth.


Lord, lay me down, gently now, on that field of catalpa pods and ash.

Oh, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy but I’m worn down. I’m all used up, ya’ hear?

Let Virginia showers mingle me with my true love,

Let all the elements do what they will do for a final metaphor of it.


And what of our souls, Lord? Are they myths, too?

Is there a special place for your chosen ones, your mistakes?

Has this been some kind of carnival show? Were we their freaks?


Creative Commons License


"You Could Smell the Whiskey Burnin'
Down Copperhead Road",
So too, we weren't no folk that
Suffered interferin', so when they went
To land their chopper
On Camp Ground, Churchyard-
Well, we just started stonin' em
Like they do in Syria.
Now Parson Thomas couldn't
Put it clearer. You'll not succeed.
Set sail. Get out'a here!
We ain't had no call on these Islands
For government or policin'
For four hundred years.
Whether plantin' up a Tennessee Holler,
Or layin' traps down a Maryland line.
We'll suffer no interferin' or layin' up taxes
We ain't reckon' on payin' no how!
        E.D. Ridgell, 2013
          Edward Ridgell, Poet

( A true event in Smith Island History,
 And both Smith and Tangier Island
 Have never had any need for policing )



Please Turn Off The Lights


It suddenly occurred to me

That I must look like

Katherine Hepburn

Hair in hand 

“fore the mirror.


“I’m so sick of all of you!

Mother’s tired.

Come stick pins tomorrow morning.

I’ll be more responsive.

What’s that Dear?”


“I’ve lost you

And I can’t ever have you back again.

You’re all that I have ever loved.

Christ, you don’t know what nothing is.

I want to die. I want to die.


I don’t know what brought me here,

Only to die in the end.

I don’t want to be the last one standing.

“Would the last one out

Please turn off the lights?”

                                                     E D Ridgell 2020


Under Surveillance


All the time

At every move

Their watching me-

Whoever they are.


Who watches the watchers?

Are they spying on me

Or are they mere algorithms

Programed, caged and boxed

To box me in?


Should I be frightened,

Tread more gently,

Wrap the wad in toilet tissue

For a dirty deal?


Will they supply the money

To buy the foodstuffs, the gleaned

Summaries of my food purchases?

Will there be eyes on and in everything?


How long before they put their cameras

On and in me? Should I have

Operations filmed for my security?

Can the dentist be trusted?

What party does he belong to?


The older I become

The more questions I have.

I’ve given up hoping there will be

Anything like the world promised me.

Could it be I was lied to, or worse yet,

Am I to be some sort of bounty?


I suddenly want to kiss the man,
The man whose lips are deadly cold and frozen shut now.

Out of custom with the day, he'd always kiss me this way,
Taking my breath away and with it holding ransom a heart
I was at no liberty to open up to him except in these teasing
Taunts of his. I only desired him more for that audacity
That made him so drop dead gorgeous to one as sensitive as me....

His widower hems and haws as the honey bees fly round his head,
Protests he is not ready yet, not ready for the sting on his lips that
Will wet his whistle for yet another go at it. As usual, I've shown him
The possibilities. What a friend he has in unrequited love!

I suddenly want to kiss the man,
The man whose lips are deadly cold and frozen shut now.
E.D. Ridgell, 2013


A Brother Samuel 

Fair lips our Haven tailors so
To softly shape sweet laughter; 
The sounds, choruses on high, to echo, 
Tiny  treads of the timorous doe, 
In unison to Allyson dubbed Aquitaine, 
Fair lips our Haven tailors so! 
Sojourns through this season we go- 
To be sure, heaven rains down 
The sounds, choruses on high, to echo. 
Coupling songs amidst the snow 
Ferry the holiday gleefully o’er
Fair  lips our Haven tailors so! 
Stately bundled in each hair a bow, 
Singing carols low to usher 
The sounds, choruses on high, to echo 
This season’s greetings glad refrains 
To proclaim a brother, Samuel- 
Fair  lips our Haven tailors so, 
The sounds, choruses on high, to echo! 
                                        © E.D. Ridgell, 2005

A Jack In The Box, That's Me!

We could not have been more different.
You chasing Edie Axlerod,
Me downing my first screw drivers.

How did we end up 
Chasing girls with Frank-
Plowing into the cement stop at Gino's.

Did I know I was gay?
If so, it was screwed on so tight,
I needed screwing to find out!

Frank got lucky-
Stained the bedsheets with blood.
I remember, now.

Mom was dying of cancer.
You were walking behind me,
The precise minute, I decided to marry.

I didn't know it but,
I was filling an eminent void
With the best thing I knew how.

Oh, I wasn't malicious.
I didn't know who, and I didn't know when,
And love was always the joker.

Turned out the joke was on me.
She didn't fit. It didn't work.
She blamed me but hid an ace.

She died forgiving me.
I arranged it, a mercy
For her wretched soul.

Yea, I was a Homo,
A bittersweet toy-
A jack in the box, that's me!

Richard, you were the first person
To betray me. You dropped the assassin's dagger 
At the foot of Pompey's statue, remember?

No matter. Deeper thrusts were in the circle.
My bosom friend's thrusts, particular and personal
And made to, how did he put it, loosen me up? 
                                    c. E.D. Ridgell, 2016 

The Road Too Often Taken

I find myself sinking again into
That kind of depression
That comes on for no reason,
And then you fill in the empty spaces....

I know it will pass,
But not before exacting its toll,
A toll for a road I've been down
Too many times before.

One says it's bipolar,
Another says that's ridiculous.
I just feel their lack of any concern,
One way or the other.

One thing good will most likely
Come of another trip down this road,
And that is a piece of art more likely better
For the trek taken down it, than not!
c. E.D. Ridgell, 2014
See More


Just Another Bay Ghost

Some days I feel like
I'll soon be just another Bay ghost-
A washed up, washed out
Shucked shell
Of a once proud,
Bright, white schooner
Skipping o'er frothy, topped waves.
Everybody serves somebody
For good or not. I've tried to be
The best skipper that my Lord
Wrought in the service of
Family, friends and country-
And I am content and ready
Whenever the tide washes
Me gently out.
E.D. Ridgell, 2013